Vass Med

Vass Med
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Our Company

Becoming aware of the high increasing potential of the Albanian pharmaceutical market and by adapting its  specific needs, in November  2007 was founded the privately  owned  Company Vass-Med LLC  as a unique association for Marketing , Promotion and Intermediation , covering all commercial, regulatory and technical aspects.

Its foundation was initiated by founders with a long experience in Management of pharmaceutical companies, by engaging a specialized and professional staff ,who have been  active for years in the  pharmaceutical market, to give an impulse and an immediate value to its activity.

Our Mission is to offer to every pharmaceutical company  Marketing, Promotion and Representation of products by rationalizing their cost-effectiveness. Our company aims to supply the market in amount and quality with medicines according to therapeutic groups with costs appropriate to the living standard of the Albanian society.

Our Philosophy is believing that the virtues, professionalism and values of our staff will enable our partners to feel proud and evaluated for what we together offer  to the consumer .The image our partners transmit  through us is in coherent symbiosis with us, by transmitting it toward the consumer.

Our job is entering the market and  developing continuously all  interested parties, through promoting in an  efficient way all the categories of pharmaceutical products and medical devices. Our approach is to provide solutions specific to your requirements, with the aim of maximizing value and profitability.

We highlight the real value of pharmaceutical products by implementing our KNOW-HOW system and investing continuously in human resources.

Our aim is a long term partnership with interested parties in distribution and production by accomplishing the highest international standards.

Professionalism, loyalty and confidence are emphasized in  our agreements with CLIENTS. So far we have signed long- term representation contracts and agreements  for specific products that we offer, with some clients from the Region and EU.

We offer a vast range of Inductive and Deductive products with predicted Matrix Results according to respective interests of the CLIENTS.
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News Tirane 2012 International Healthcare Exhibition and Conference Tirana është një platformë ideale për institucionet shendetesore vendore dhe ato ndërkombtare per te promovuar produktet dhe sherbimet e tyre tek me shume se 10 milione kliente potencial ne rajonin e Ballkanit Perendimor. Shqipëria se bashku me kete rajon paraqet një ndër vendet e rralla ne Europë që akoma ofron potencial të mirë për investime në sferen e shendetësise.
Edhe kete vit jane ftuar te marrin pjese personelitete nga fusha e mjeksise nga vendi, rajoni dhe më gjërë.

Panairi synon te shnderrohet jo vetem ne nje vend te mire per promovim te prdukteve mjeksore dhe sherbimeve vendase dhe te huaja por te ofroje edhe metodologjine europiane te menaxhimit te spitaleve dhe vendosjen e pacientit ne qender te sistemit.

Platforama e ekspozimit eshte menduar nga oragnizatoret te perfshije klinika dhe spitalet me te rendesishme,paisjet, depot dhe perfaqesite e kopmanive me te medha nderkombetare farmaceutike si dhe nje rendesit te vecante ka dhe kujdesi qe ne duhet te tregojme per estetiken tone dhe shendetin tone mendor e pamor.

Kompani prestigjoze te cilat kane konfirmuar tashme pranine e tyre do te ekspozojne arritjet me te fundit ne fushen e medikamenteve, paisjeve dhe sherbimeve shëndetsore.

Nje nder kompanite pjesemarrese ne kete event do jete edhe Hemofarm Stada Group e clia perfaqesohet nga kompania Vass-Med shpk.

HEMOFARM Tirana është një platformë ideale për institucionet shendetesore vendore dhe ato ndërkombtare per te promovuar produktet dhe sherbimet e tyre tek me shume se 10 milione kliente potencial ne rajonin e Ballkanit Perendimor. Shqipëria se bashku me kete rajon paraqet një ndër vendet e rralla ne Europë që akoma ofron potencial të mirë për investime në sferen e shendetësise.
Edhe kete vit jane ftuar te marrin pjese personelitete nga fusha e mjeksise nga vendi, rajoni dhe më gjërë.



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